Saturday, October 2, 2010

Definitely Journey On!

Two acquaintances, one 58 and one 68, passed away from heart attacks during the past 6 weeks.  You just never know when your time will be up.  The obituary for Warren, as published in today's Seattle Times, included a really important insight into his philosophy of life - one that's important for all of us to consider. 

Mr. Argo was born in Fresno, Calif., in 1942, and graduated from Fresno State University with a degree in mechanical engineering. After working for Hughes Aircraft in Los Angeles for two years, he decided to leave the defense industry to play music full-time.  "He said he had been to see some Shakespeare play where they talked about following your heart, and he cried so hard the tears squirted out of his eyes," said Leuba (his partner). "He just went blue sky. He got in the Volkswagen van and drove away. And he never looked back."


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