Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Cropping (and Compositional) Techniques

While I don't use or even check my Twitter feed very often, I did come across a posting from Andrew Childress this past week that was intriguing. It discusses the use of Adobe Lightroom in cropping photographs.  In doing so, Andrew discusses some fundamental components of composition as well, which can/should be applied in making the original photograph. 

Check it out:

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Travel is about YOUR Experiences

Arthur Frommer, the travel guide guru who just bought back the printing rights for his well-researched travel books from Google, shares the following view of travel:

"What matters is not finding something your friends haven't found but appreciating and understand that thing - that culture, that place, that food - on your own terms. You can be closed-minded even off the beaten path; you can discover all kinds of interesting and wonderful things even on the most tourist-swarmed landmark."

'Nuf said.