Monday, September 21, 2009

To Photograph or Not To Photograph

A recent article on World Hum, by Doug Mack, ends with the phrase "The best travel moments, it turns out, are not the Kodak ones." As a photographer and a writer (more the former than the latter), and most of all a traveler, I carefully read the article (Doug is more a writer than a photographer, but definitely a traveler as well), I came to a more mixed conclusion. Its the circumstances, its my mood and my interests that will be involved in defining a "best travel moment." Listening to a gamelon performance in the evening on Bali sans camera is a forever memory. So were the photographs taken of stained glass in Paris that will live in my memory AND on my walls forever as well. We each bring our interests and skills and priorities and moods into each and every experience. And what comes out of the experience will be ours and only ours.

The article, entitled "The Best Travel Photo I Never Took," can be found at:

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