Monday, February 18, 2013


As you may have gathering from some past posts, I strive to show emotion via motion from time to time. One of my favorite venues is the Northwest Folklife Festival held at Seattle Center each Memorial Day Weekend. In reviewing photos taken during past festivals, I came across the one below which I hadn't examined for sometime. It was taken with my Nikon D300, with a slow shutter speed (1/10 second) to start showing motion, and then a quick zoom of the lens. The woman is a fairly sharp focus, certainly relative to the rest of the photo. The dancers around her are in motion and the large area of darker tones makes her standout even more. A dreamy image. And a bit of serendipity - you need to be prepared to take lots of such photos, experimenting with shutter speed and zoom techniques, and seeing what happens. And occasionally, you hit it right on.

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