Thursday, December 29, 2011

A Couple of Random Thoughts at Year's End

Just finished watching a video "Focus On Your Passion: Tim Mantoani." I'll admit I was doing other chores while watching (or listening to be more accurate).  But two things caught my ear: "What is your dream project?" and "Do you have friends that support your work?"  I'll be pondering the former over the course of this weekend, though I think I know what it is - working on a new book.  And I'm very fortunate in knowing the answer to the latter - YES.  LG and I check in every Thursday or Friday on "what artistic or creative step have you taken this week or this evening?" Keeps us focused at least weekly on the creative side of our lives. We call it "Art Night" and I think we've both benefited from it over the year or so we've pursued this simple check-in.  Highly recommend it!         

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