Sunday, March 15, 2009


Whether its planned serendipity, listening to the universe or just dumb luck, an opportunity to learn, grow and experience often arises. I had been wanting to take a photo workshop from Chris Rainier for many years. I am moved by his photographs of cultures and rituals around the world. I finally found a window of opportunity that match a Rainier workshop in Santa Fe. And never one to just go and do one thing, I flew down several days prior to the workshop to explore one of my favorite parts of the U.S. In looking on the Internet for lodging options, I came across the Christ in the Desert Monastery, 2 hours or so northwest of Santa Fe. The price was right, all meals were included, as were 7 or so monastic services a day, beginning at 4 a.m. The calm, serenity and quiet was the perfect prelude to a photo workshop on a "In Search of the Spirit." During the 2 days and nights I spent there, generally spent in silence (conversations are not encouraged outside of very limited times), I took lots of photographs (again, a good prelude to an intense week of photography at the workshop), attended a lots of services and ate well. An opportunity arose, I went for it, and all was well.

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