Saturday, April 24, 2010

Make Your Grandkids Proud!

On Julia Dimon's blog, she describes herself as a "Travel Junkie."  She's been around the world several times, visited 80 countries (compared to my 40 - &#^&*$) and obviously loves to travel.  What started her obsession? 

"So what prompted this desire to gallivant across the globe? Strangely enough, it was an inspirational postcard I found at a dingy backpacker bar in Byron Bay, Australia. It read:

“Why tell your grandkids you worked 9-5, five days a week for 40 years and quietly sat in traffic jams while people went to war,      suffered disease and shot their own classmates? Tell them you refused to live in fear. Tell them you crossed the Amazon, saw the Lost Cities of Gold and met your soul mate in Casablanca. Travel to the ends of the earth. Go now and live adventures that will make your grandkids proud.”

Definitiely gets you to thinking, doesn't it?  Especially on a Monday morning.


Steve said...

This is what I do when I try and figure out what I want to do in life. I use it as motivation and so far has worked well.

I change it around a little though. I imagine myself at age 80 looking back on my life. What will I regret never having done? It's a good guide in making great life experiences.

chuck kirchner said...

Great version, Steve.