Saturday, November 23, 2013

For Those of You Longing for a Road Trip

Great article in this weekend's New York Times travel section of Woody Guthrie's America. From Grand Coulee Dam to Los Angeles to Santa Fe and on to Long Island, its a great read and a great trip.  I more or less did it in reverse some 25 years ago, leaving Brooklyn where I had lived for a while, heading down the eastern shore to Savannah, hung a right through New Orleans, New Mexico, the Grand Canyon, and Las Vegas, before heading north to return to my roots in the Puget Sound area. 
In Search of Woody Guthrie's America

Friday, November 22, 2013


Starting today, I will be blogging on photographic topics at my photo portfolio site, Information on my workshops, publications, etc. can now be found on that site as well.  Please follow! 

This blog will now focus on travel, my other favorite topic.